An canadian not-for-profit organization called Our Horizon, has its goal to empower people and communities to change the world: "We think globally and act municipally". This organization has started a campaign to put warning labels on gas pump nozzles, just like this:
Sometimes with our busy busy lifes we don't have time to be aware of what's happening around us, even if it is with the floor we step on or the food we eat. By placing this images, this campaign aim to let people know exactly what's happening, in order for them to understand that it affects them.
This action is still taking place only in Canada, but we can all do our share. If you want to understand more about this I strongly advice you to read their Overview page:
"It’s time to face the reality of what we’re up against. It’s time to rise to the greatest challenge of our generation. Help make world history by contacting your councillors and speaking up for this idea at your local City Hall. Your voice can change the world."