
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Campaign: Warning labels on gas pumps

An canadian not-for-profit organization called Our Horizon, has its goal to empower people and communities to change the world: "We think globally and act municipally". This organization has started a campaign to put warning labels on gas pump nozzles, just like this:

Sometimes with our busy busy lifes we don't have time to be aware of what's happening around us, even if it is with the floor we step on or the food we eat. By placing this images, this campaign aim to let people know exactly what's happening, in order for them to understand that it affects them. 

This action is still taking place only in Canada, but we can all do our share. If you want to understand more about this I strongly advice you to read their Overview page:

"It’s time to face the reality of what we’re up against. It’s time to rise to the greatest challenge of our generation. Help make world history by contacting your councillors and speaking up for this idea at your local City Hall. Your voice can change the world."

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Campaign: The Last Stand of the Orangutan

This campaign by Rainforest Action Network adresses the consequences of irresponsible palm oil policies. If you (like myself a few minutes ago) didn't knew about this, I'll try to explain what it is about (learn more in here). Many of the snacks we eat (from Nestlé, Kellogg and PepsiCo, for example) have palm oil, and it's high demand leads to massive destruction of rainforests in Indonesia and Malaysia to create palm oil plantations. 

Now, how does this relates to the orangutans? By destroying millions of acres of forest they are also destroying their habitat, pushing them to the brink of extinction (there are only 60,600 now). And it's also worsening climate change and causing widespread human rights violations.

RAN has identified the 20 companies that most contribute to this issue, and is asking us to speak up: "Take action now to call on the Snack Food 20—companies that control some of the best-known snack food brands in the world—to remove "conflict palm oil" tied to rainforest destruction and orangutan extinction from their products. These companies rely on our trust as consumers, so if enough of us speak up, the Snack Food 20 will have to change the way they do business.".

If you want to help, do it here and here.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Midway: Message from the Gyre

I knew this issue was very serious, but I didn't realize it was this extensive. The garbage we throw away, it doesn't disappear, it goes somewhere and not always where it belongs. In fact, huge amonts of trash go to the oceans and every single part of the ecossystem is affected. Take a look at this trailer from Chris Jordan's film: 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Reblog: Rare sea turtles eating plastic at record rate

"Sea turtles around the world are eating plastic at an unprecedented pace, a new study reveals, with some species downing twice as much as they did 25 years ago. This indigestible, potentially fatal diet is especially popular among young turtles in the open ocean, deepening concerns about the ancient animals' long-term outlook.

Plastic bags can bear a striking resemblance to jellyfish underwater, and scientists have long known they have a tendency to confuse hungry sea turtles. But the problem has exploded lately amid a historic surge in plastic pollution, which is forming giant oceanic "garbage patches" that are expected to continue growing for centuries. The new study is the first global analysis of the issue since 1985, covering more than a quarter century of research on green and leatherback sea turtles, both of which are endangered."

See the whole article here!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Campaign: Conscious consumption

Ecobeneficios is a brazilian brand with 8,300 company clients, comited with conscious consumption. The brand characterize themselves as Ecobeneficios = Economic + Sustainable. In an action they performed in Porto Alegre, traditional plates of a great flow buffet restaurante were exchanged for smaller plates (20% smaller). The point was to create awareness in the 20% of food that is wasted daily in Brazil.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Petition: Climate Name Change

The goal of this petition is to create awareness for those who think that climate changes and global warming are a fantasy and not an imminent reality. This is directed for politicians who ignore and deny this issue, and with this belief they resist and stop climate changes policies.
If you want to help, sign here.

From their website:
"Since 1954, the World Meteorological Organization has been naming extreme storms after people. As scientific evidence shows that climate change is creating increasingly frequent and devastating storms, and with climate scientists declaring these extreme weather events as the new normal, we propose a new naming system. A system that names extreme storms caused by climate change, after the policy makers who deny climate change and obstruct climate policy."

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Petition: Protected area in the Canaries

The sharks are a endangered species and, although people don't realise it, a crucial part of the ecosystem. Here's a spanish petition to create a protected area in the Canaries, not only for sharks as also for rays and chimaeras. It's an alternative in order to protect the species of being hunted for their flesh or derivatives (such as the their fins and liver oil).

In you want to help the these animals, sign here.

And I'd like to share a comment from the creator of the petition - Suso Rodas: 

"S.OS sharks and rays in the Canaries: 

In our waters are being committed many atrocities, and many of them only hint at the enormous degree of barbarity and callousness that we can have with the natural environment around us. I think by now we can not speak of ignorance or simple ignorance.

Every day, dozens of tourists are led in charters (recreational fishing collective list 6th) to catch various species of fish, some of them very important for the sustainability of our marine ecosystems and whose populations are threatened with extinction, as is for angels, stingrays, stingrays and other sharks."

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Other Issues: Bullying

It's not very talked about, but it exists and it's ruining lives.

The Garbage Island

In the Pacific Ocean, between Hawai and Japan, there’s something called the Garbage Island. 

The ocean currents take the trash in the ocean and directs it to an area in which exists a massive concentration of garbage - much like an island. 80% of that trash is from landfills and the dumping of garbage in the seas, and the remainder 20% is from commercial ships. 

There are tonnes of plastic floating in our seas and it is not only dangerous for us, humans, but for animals too. This quantity of trash can induce mutations in living animals cells and therefore create deformations. 

This “island” is known since 1997 however nothing is beeing done to clean the seas and erase this “threat”. The major population doesn’t know about this and other issues, but is essencial that we are all aware of it. This is our planet and we are completly (at least, right now) dependent on it. 

If you read this, tell it to your friend, share it in your blog or other social network, because only when everyone is talking about it then something is going to be done. Help the planet and help yourself! 

Source: Hold a Hand
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